Tuesday, February 16, 2010

15 weeks

Today you are 15 weeks. I can't believe how fast time flies. You are so funny and on the brink of busting out into laughter. I can't wait to hear that laughter. Right now when you get so excited you have the biggest smile and a "u" sound comes out along with raising your shoulders. Too cute!!! Last night may have been your first laugh but it doesn't count because it was in your sleep. For some reason you decided that it was play time at 3:00 in the morning. But I wasn't going to give in and feed you because I really don't think that was what you wanted. Since you have been sleeping til 7:00 a.m. the past 4 mornings. So I did give in and put you in bed with me. You snuggled right in and fell asleep. A couple minutes later you let out a laugh that woke me up. It was so incredibly cute!!! I laughed with you.

Since none of your medicine seems to be working, I decided today that I would take you off of everything and see what happened. Actually so far you have been in such a good mood, which I desperately needed. We have been having some rough days and its taking a toll on your momma, because I want only the best for you and for you to feel good. You sure have been able to take better naps today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

My momma loves me so much!!!

Look how good of a mood I am in when I get enough sleep!!!

Happy Valentine's Day Momma and Poppa!!!

Last night was the first night that you slept all the way through from 8:00 p.m until 7:00 a.m. Way to go!!! I thought it was going to be a great night's sleep for me; however, I woke up with a hurting back. We must need a new matress. I thought it was just me being pregnant that the bed was killing me and then when you came I was not in the bed long enough to see if the bed was hurting my back. Now that I am not pregnant and you sleep all night, I now know that it must be the bed!!!! You have done this 2 nights in a row. I am hoping it continues!!!! It's so nice to get sleep and wake up feeling all nice and rested!!! I know I have to be a much better momma getting more rest!!

Yesterday we also went to Nana's and Papa's for a little Valentine's Fun!! We ate a delicious lunch prepared by Nana (which wasn't feeling well at all, poor thing). Then we had all kinds of snacks....yummo!!!

First night in Crib - February 6th

Look momma I survived!!!

Hey Breckie,

Last night was the first night you have slept in your big boy bed all night. You did get up for feedings but it was great. You were such a big boy. However, it only lasted 2 nights. Something happened and you decided to get so congested that everytime you lay down, you start getting so much drainage that you can't breathe and you begin choking and gagging. So needless to say, you are now back in momma and poppa's room. It has been so much better now that you are sleeping on the nap nanny that is in your bassinette. So hopefully before long you can go back to your crib as soon as we figure out what is wrong with you.


Friday, February 12, 2010

14 weeks

Breck is getting to be a little chunker....I know he weighs 13 lbs because once again I decided to take him to the doctor. Some may think I am one of those overprotected paronoid moms, but eventually someone will believe me when I tell them something is wrong. The poor little guy cannot even lay down hardly anymore without getting totally congested. Which then causes him to choke and gag on all that drainage. I don't know what to do for him. I have tried everything and the doctor just keeps telling me its acid reflux. I to the poiont where I don't believe that and that he may have some severe allergies. But what to???? That's what we need to figure out. He is better during the day but still does it. You should see his crib and how elevated it is. But right now he is at least taking a nap in there and hasn't choked once. So maybe this will work. I am not going to leave him at night in there anymore until all this is figured out. I have been so stressed and worried about him this week, its not funny. It is really making me an emotional wreck. Hopefully this will pass very soon.

On a more happy note, this kid is so cute!!! I love when he gets so excited.....he smiles with his whole body. He is getting so good at laying on his belly and holding that head up and then rolling over. At least he is not fussing when he is on his belly now. He is really starting to like his bath now. We have gotten out some toys for him to look at and just smiles and smiles while we are giving him his bath. I really hope he is a water baby, because I can't wait until summer to use Nanny's pool!!! This Sunday is Valentine's Day. Saturday we are going to Nana's for some lunch and treats. More to post on that later. Also Saturday we are getting Breck's 3 month pictures taken. I can't wait. I really hope he smiles as good as he did when we got Wylee and Breck's pictures taken together on Tuesday. Kaylee and I decided to get the boys' pictures taken for mom for Valentine's Day. They turned out really cute and I think she will really love them.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

13 weeks today!!!!

This has been a pretty good week. Breck is really growing out of his cranky stage and I am almost ready to say that he is a happy baby pretty much most of the time. I am thankful that he will play in his bouncer and under his play gym for quite a while now without getting fussy. He just sits there and grins!! He is almost ready to bust out into laughter any day now. It is still a lot of squeals right now. I sure do love those squeals!! For the past few nights he has been finally going to sleep around 8:30 and pretty much sleeping til 4. I occasionally have to put him in my bed around 2 but he goes right back to sleep. Then will go back to sleep until 7:30 after he has a 4:00 bottle. I am so thankful that I am finally getting some sleep. It is desperately needed. We are working on self soothing himself back to sleep. I think it actually just worked for nap time....we shall see. As soon as that binky falls out, he will be screaming again. I just tried to put him down without it and he woke up 5 minutes later. It is still a work in progress. Tonight we are going to go eat with Grandpa Wayne and Lynda for Grandpa's birthday and my birthday. Then we are going to Nana and Papa's to see them and Grandma!! This makes for a busy day.