Friday, July 16, 2010

Train Ride with Gigi

One day we hung out with Gigi and ended up going to the Pinnacle Mall. Gigi decided it was time to take you on the train ride. You loved it. She said you sat there like a perfect angel and didn't move a muscle. You loved looking around at everything. Afterwards, we got a chocolate icecream cone. Boy did you love it!!! Here are some pictures. I'm sure this won't be the last train ride and icecream cone with your Gigi!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You're what??? You're CRAWLING!!!!

Yep, you got it! At 8 months and a couple days old, Breck is crawling. I knew it would be happening soon. After a couple of days of staying on the playmat (that I just recently bought which was pretty much a waste of money), he is now wanting to venture off and explore everything. He is still very clumbsy though and so having a house that is pretty much all tile is scaring me to death. I am following him everywhere and we pretty much have to stay in my bedroom, his bedroom, or upstairs. He is already starting to pull up on some things. I don't think it will be long before we are walking. While this is all very exciting, it does make me a little sad that our little boy is growing up and learning all kinds of new things!!!

4th of July

This was a great 4th of July. I was pretty nervous to say the least about Breck and how he was going to react to the fireworks. He always amazes me. I didn't figure he would crack up at every fire work that went off. It was hilarious. We went to Granny's (Jason's friend's grandma) like we do every year. He stayed awake until 9:30 which is waaaayyy past his bedtime. I went inside and put him to sleep and then was able to watch a few of the fireworks sitting on the porch holding him and then they begin to get VERY loud. That was all Breck could take. So we loaded up and went home around 10:30. I actually think we saw almost all of the fireworks. Everything turned out great and next year hopefully he will still love the fireworks.