You are getting so SMART!!! You are trying to copy us all the time. Everyday it seems like you have learned something new. It is so neat to watch you grow! Here are some things you are doing:
* you eat like a amazes me how much you eat!
* you would love to play in rooms by yourself, but I just think you are too young for that
* now says something that sounds like quack, quack when we say duck, says something for dog, meow for cat....I say says something like because it sounds pretty close but I don't know how to even spell it. Says thank you everytime he hands you something. Uh-oh comes out a lot these days. Talks in his own language when telling me what to do or where to take him while pointing. I'm sure there's more, but it's hard to sit here and think of things.
* starting to get interested in body parts....these are the ones that we are working on and he doesn't necessarily point but will look at mine or look at his: eye, nose, ear, tongue, belly button, hands, feet
* mostly wearing 18 month clothes. 12 month pants are getting a little too short!
* starting to throw little fits when you don't get your way, which I hate.
* stayed the night with Gigi at her house so Jason and I could do something on New Year's. He will be staying again in a couple of weeks so Jason and I can do something for my birthday...I can't believe I am almost 30 years old!
Anyways, Breck, you are so much fun and we love you!
Park City Utah
2 years ago