Oh Breck, you are hilarious. You have us laughing all the time. Here's what you are doing at 15 months....
* loves to eat! Screams and cries, very dramatic, when I am trying to fix your food. This gets very annoying but you think you are starving to death.
* Size 4 diapers
*Point to these body parts mostly every time you are asked: nose, ears, tongue, hair, toes, belly button, and diaper.
* loves to dance to every song you hear
* Put your fingers together for itsy bitsy spider adn you wash it out
* Patty cakes and throws it in the air
* When we call the hogs you will throw your hands in the air
* Chases Cabella and cracks up
* I can tell you are really beginning to understand what I am saying or asking
* likes to point to everything and count
* starting to FINALLY sleep al night in your crib...Now I did pretty much move into your room for this to happen. I am sleeping on a cot, which my poor back does not like AT ALL! But I think I am getting used to it! BUT, this is the way I look at it. At least you are in your room in your bed and not kicking me or laying on my chest all night long! This seems to be a little bit of a step forward.
You are becoming a little man. We are enjoying watching you learn and grow everyday!