Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Time to Chucky Cheese

We went to Chucky Cheese for the first time last night. It was sooo much fun! I love Chucky Cheese. I mean Breck loved Chucky Cheese. Haha. We met Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Lynda there. Breck had a great time playing with Grandpa. Here are some cute pictures of him at Chucky Cheese.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Snow!

We decided to get Breck out for like 2.5 seconds to see the snow. He couldn't even walk in it. but he seemed to enjoy it a little.

Christmas With Kate

During Christmas Amy and Kate came over and had a little gift exchange for the kidlets. Here are some pictures of them playing together!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

15 Months

Oh Breck, you are hilarious. You have us laughing all the time. Here's what you are doing at 15 months....

* loves to eat! Screams and cries, very dramatic, when I am trying to fix your food. This gets very annoying but you think you are starving to death.
* Size 4 diapers
*Point to these body parts mostly every time you are asked: nose, ears, tongue, hair, toes, belly button, and diaper.
* loves to dance to every song you hear
* Put your fingers together for itsy bitsy spider adn you wash it out
* Patty cakes and throws it in the air
* When we call the hogs you will throw your hands in the air
* Chases Cabella and cracks up
* I can tell you are really beginning to understand what I am saying or asking
* likes to point to everything and count
* starting to FINALLY sleep al night in your crib...Now I did pretty much move into your room for this to happen. I am sleeping on a cot, which my poor back does not like AT ALL! But I think I am getting used to it! BUT, this is the way I look at it. At least you are in your room in your bed and not kicking me or laying on my chest all night long! This seems to be a little bit of a step forward.

You are becoming a little man. We are enjoying watching you learn and grow everyday!