We are having so much fun at 16 months. He all of a sudden started trying to talk a lot more. He pretty much tries to say anything you ask him to say. Pictures are hard to come by. He won't sit still long enough to get a good pictures. But I will keep trying and will eventually post one on here.
Here's what he's up to:
*trying to talk a lot more. It's funny listening to you try to say new words. New words....nana for banana, blue, ball instead of dall thank goodness, papa, poopoo (thanks Gigi), gigi, there's more but these are probably the cutest ones.
* addicted to balls
* very mean to the puppies
* starting to actually climb....looked away and you were in the laundry basket
* still loves the itsy bitsy spider
* getting very independent - will sit and read a book or play by yourself for a longer period of time
* still lovin to eat
* sleeping still the same....some nights are horrible....others are decent....never all night
* seeing an allergist and maybe a GI doctor...i wish we didn't have to go to this one. I really don't want to have a scope done on him. It's going to make me a nervous wreck. I just have to keep saying I am doing this for his own good and I'm trying so desperately to help him.
I am loving this time in our lives. Your personality is really showing through.