Tuesday, November 29, 2011

3 Months Old

I am 3 months old. This is what is happening with me.

I heart my baths!!!
I started daycare and they say I am the talk of the room.
I like to be sitting up looking around.
I love to look at my brother and smile!!!
I smile at anyone that will talk to me!
I sleep from 8:00 to anywhere between 4:00 and 6:00...momma loves me for this!!!
I don't cooperate with pictures very well.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Wayde and Wylee's Birthday

On Saturday, November 19th we went to Wayde's first birthday and Wylee's third birthday. We had a good time. Breck got to see his first bonfire and go on his first hayride!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

12 weeks

Big news this week....You slept til 6:00!!! I love that you love to sleep. Nanny and Grandpa are still here visiting. It is so nice to get to see them. I have put you in your jumperoo this week a little because you love to sit up and look around. So as long as brother is not pushing you and bouncing you in it, you love it!!! This week Momma and Dadda are starting to build my new house. They are very excited! You have caught yet another cold but you only gave me problems a few nights with sleep issues. We have to get you well because I have to go back to work next week....YUCK!!! It'll all work out but I do love staying home. I can't believe you are alomost exactly 3 MONTHS OLD...Time is flying by!!!

11 weeks

Such.a.good.baby!!! That is about all I can say. As long as you are fed, changed, talked to and put to sleep you are one happy kid. You have even been sick this week. You have had the diarrhea issue that Breck had the week before. You have been talking up a storm. It is so cute to sit and have a conversation with you. You just talk and smile to anyone that will listen. This week Nanny and Grandpa have come to visit. So you had your first visit to the Ranch. I don't think I got one picture. Oops...but you did very well out there. People have been amazed at how well you hold your head up. You love to sit on my lap facing forward so you can see everything.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Breck's 2nd Birthday!!

O'Toodles...Breck is turning 2!!! As you probably guessed we had a Mickey Mouse Birthday for Breck. It turned really cute and I think everyone had a great time. He got lots of great presents. He looks so big in these pictures. He sure is growing up. He is talking up a storm now that he's two!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

10 weeks

Big things happening this week. I have moved you to your crib. As I write this you have slept in your crib for 3 days and you have done really well. You sleep from about 8:30 to somewhere between 2 and 3:30 usually. So I wake up and give you a bottle and you go right back to sleep til about 7:30 or 8:00. This time change threw everyone for a loop. So we were up and eating a little earlier than normal. We have to figure something out because you are exactly like Breck was in that you are completely congested and snotty when you wake up. This happens even with a humidifier so I don't know what else to do. You have also started swatting at your toys under your playgym. You have been loving to lay under your playgym in the mornings. You just laugh and smile at your animals. It's too cute.