Saturday, December 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Of course on Halloween, we went to Nana and Papa's for Papa's birthday.  But first we stopped by Amy and Marty's.  Emmy loved running around in the dark carrying her flashlight.  She could care less about getting the candy.  Breck did a great job of going to the doors and holding out his bag.  He WAS all about eating the candy!!!  We didn't really enjoy chasing Emmy around so we only went to about 5 houses.  Maybe we will try more next year.  Emmy was a zebra and Breck was a spider.  He is really into bugs and things.  First he wanted to be a grasshopper.  Good thing he changed his mind because momma didn't know how she was going to make that one!!!  A couple of nights before Halloween, Sara asked us to go with her and Greenlee (ladybug) to the Country Club.  We had a great time dressing up, eating, and going on a hayride! 
Here are some pictures....

14 Months

You are such a big girl these days.  You keep up with Breck pretty well these days.  Both of you are starting to play together, until Breck decides to take things away from you.  Then you get mad as fire and scream and cry.  You have quite the set of lungs on you.  You don't really cry, you scream unfortunately.  We have begun to take the paci away.  Actually you have done very well.  Daycare will give it to you at nap maybe and I give it to you during the night if you just can't settle back down.  Your teeth already seem like they are moving into the right spot.  They were beginning to come in really crooked and there is a space between your front two teeth.  So hopefully, taking this paci away will allow those teeth to come in just as straight as Breckie's.  Here are some things you are doing at 14 months:

*  eating all of our food and doing very well with almost everything.  Three out the four molars are completely in and the fourth one is coming in.  I think that's why you have been waking up in the middle of the night lately. 
*  making this hilarious face.  It started with you and Nana making this o with your mouth.  It is so cute and you will mock whoever does it. 
*  You love your Nana.  You will give her a million kisses when you see her.
*  Knows Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, If You're Happy and You Know It (these are the ones you will do motions to).
*  Saying a lot more words since we took that stinkin paci away.  It practically doubled in one week.
Dadda, Momma, Breck, moo, horse sound, roar for lion, tiger, and dinosaur, duck, quack quack (or a duck sound of some sort), monkey sound, dog, ball, Nana, Papa, Gigi, thank you (or something for it), please but it sounds nothing like it, uh for uh oh, pretty much you will try to say something every time I ask you to repeat me whether it is anywhere near what I told you to say.
*  Favorite book - First 100 words book - only the first 2 pages and the animals pages.  You are very picky!!!!
*  As for picky, you will only eat pears, bananas, blueberries, and grapes for fruits
*  You wave to everyone!!!!  I think I will always love your wave!!!  It's the best.
* Also goes potty in your potty every night before bath!



OnE YeAr oLd!!!

This will be a birthday in pictures!!!  Just know that we were excited to host everyone in our new house for Emmy's birthday. 









We had a Little Miss Sunshine party Emmy's first birthday.  I felt like this was fitting because for practically all of the first year, she was a little ball of sunshine.  Up until the last few months.  I think we have been teething some molars.  But the day of the party, she was her normal happy self.  Here are a few things she has been up to and then we will have picture overload!!!

12 months:
*  12 and 18 month clothes
*  took you off the bottle almost right at a year, except for a night time bottle.  Momma's broke...
*  finally moved into our new house pretty much the weekend before you turned one year old.  It's so nice to finally have a bedroom with all of your stuff in one central location.  I can't wait to decorate!!! 
*  eating all of our foods but when you're cranky and teething, I give you a thing of baby food.  Since we took you off the bottle, you have lost a pound or two so I want to make sure you're getting enough to eat.  You are a snacker and love you some bread or crackers.  The cheesey bread from Red Lobster is the only thing you would eat that night (in some ways, I don't blame you.  They are so good!!)
*   found your tongue again and it is hilarious to see you stick it out like a lizard.
*  really starting to show that you know what we are saying
*  saying a few things but really not a whole lot more than what I posted at 10 months I think...doing all your physical stuff first I guess. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

11 months

You are growing up so fast!!!  I have your outfit, hairbow, and party hat!!!!  Now we need to move into the house so we can know when we are even having your birthday.  It probably won't be until September.  It doesn't really matter, it's not like you will even understand a thing.  You actually started walking at 10 1/2 months.  This post is a little late, so you are practically running.  People have commented on how fast you are. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

10 Months

In 2 more short months I will be planning your one year birthday.  I can't believe how fast you are growing up!!!!  You have the cutest personality and are one very determined little girl.  Walking is right around the corner.  I can't walk away from you for a second because you just want so badly to walk and will let go of whatever you're holding on to just to try to walk.  After about 4 controlled steps, you get incredibly wobbly for a couple more steps, then falling flat on your face or into the corner of a table.  NOT SAFE!!!  Lots of bruising going on here!  You are getting so smart and I can tell you are understanding more each day.  Here's some things you're doing at 10 months.

*  still drinking 4-6 oz. depending on what you feel at that moment
*  still fighting me on baby food but is a little better than last month with all the teething going on 
*  eating bites of just about everything that I am eating (especially likes to eat Nana's Southern cooking every Saturday)
*  waves bye bye on demand (says "dye") ....has the cutest wave I have ever is backwards from the Miss America wave
*  knows all done (both hands wave)
*  starting to understand me when I say milk...she starts whimpering around because she wants it so bad
*  loves to do pat-a-cake
*  already discussed the walking in the first's getting close
*  hates it when we put you in the walker because you want to get down on the floor
*  sleeping ...ehhh...decent.  You still wake up several times a night.  Sometimes it's just for a paci check.  Other times it is for a quick snuggle and rock.  OR even for a quick bottle.  If none of that works, you come to bed with me.  BUT YOU SWEAT LIKE CRAZY!!!  So then I take you back to your crib. 
*  Loves to swim.  We have been having issues with you getting sick though after we swim so we decided no more for you for a while.  But the temperature is very hot and so is the pool water so we tried it again.  Maybe it was warmer for you and you won't get a cold. 
*  Probably 18 pounds
*  Wears 12 month clothes
*  Size 2 and 3 shoes
*  You have decided you don't like daycare or the nursery at cry when I leave you and I hear you screaming at school when I pick you up.  They say you don't do it all day.  I sure hope not!!!!

You are a spoiled rotten mess and we love you!!!!  You make us very happy parents and love watching you grow.

This may be picture overload!!!