Monday, March 26, 2012


Breck had his first go at bowling this past spring break. Gigi wanted to take the boys bowling. They loved it. Wayde even had to have turns. Here are some cute pictures.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

7 Months

7 Months old on March 24, 2012. You amaze us everyday. You are sort of mobile. You scoot and roll to get whatever you want. You don't crawl yet...but you push yourself backwards all over the place. Getting that leg up is just really hard for you. You can't seem to get any traction. Sitting up is really good. Still haven't learned how to put your hands down to catch yourself. So needless to say, we don't leave you sitting alone just yet. Last Wednesday, you were so excited to see Barney (of all things) that you were screaming and clapping. It was too cute. That was the first time I had seen you clap. I know Ms. Vickie said that was one thing she had been working on with you. You also surprised me last night when you put the ball in the giraffe's head and let go just like you were supposed to. That takes a lot of coordination. I think it's pretty young for you to be doing that. We think you are really smart. You watch your brother all the time. Here are some things you are up to:

* eats 6 oz every 4 hours
* eats 3 meals a day: fruit, cereal and yogurt, vegetable
* still wakes up once in the night for a bottle (probably because you won't drink the amount you are supposed to during the day.
* sitting up
* scooting and rolling all over the place
* loves the jumperoo
* claps
* loves songs
* screams and talks to everone
* says dada, nana, and momma without meaning
* loves that paci
* finally can see 2 bottom teeth coming through
* still taking acid reflux medicine

You are still considered to be a great baby. You are a great shopper. Just a ball of sunshine.

Love you, Ems

Nicknames: Emmy Lou, em, ems, Rosa, rosie, emersyn rose (which is the only name you respond to....I think you definitely know its your name)