Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Easter was a great time with family. We woke up that morning and gave the kids' their Easter baskets. Poor Emmy's was empty. I apparently left an entire $20 worth or more bag at Walmart. So needless to say her basket was empty. Good thing she is too little to understand. Then we got all cutesied up for Church even though we were volunteering in the nursery. Oh well. After Church we went to Gigi's for lunch and Easter egg hunt. Emmy wasn't feeling the greatest but still got a few cute pictures but you can tell she isn't feeling the greatest.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

a few firsts

So Emmy girl had a few firsts. She is 7 1/2 months old. Last night she sat up in her bed. Then decided to try to even pull up. So I went ahead and lowered the bed all the way down. Then today we are on the phone with Nana and she starts army crawling. It's quite funny. She is trying to get on all fours but just can't get it. She started lunging forward today...pretty much falling on her face. She also said her first word that meant something. We got no sleep what so ever last night because Emmy is so congested. So when both kids woke up at 630, I begged for Jason to let me sleep another hour. So anyways after the hour was up and I mean on the dot. He comes to get me up. I get my kisses from Emmy and give her back to dada so I could put in my contacts. She was mad. She watched me all the way to the bathroom and was yelling momma, momma, momma. Loved it!!! Easter is tomorrow, so we made cupcakes, dyed Easter eggs, and I should be making a vegetable tray but I am sick!!! Sure hope I feel better tomorrow.