Tuesday, May 29, 2012

9 Months

So you are 9 months old.  You are gradually getting a little more high matenience each day.  Haha!  Your perfect sleeping habits are coming to an end.  Now some nights I don't think you stay in your bed for more than an hour.  For the most part, I think it's just teething that is bothering you.  Because some nights you will stay in your bed all night long!!!  You are also very mobile!!!  Crawling, pulling up, and even a little cruising.  You have learned to stand up and sit down.  It's a very hard hit when you fall but you think it's funny and will do it over and over again.  You did this at Nana's and we laughed and laughed.  I just can't leave you for a minute because you will be pulling up on something that you shouldn't be pulling up on.  For some reason, you don't like to hang on to anything so I am so afraid you are going to fall on this tile!  Needless to say I am one tired Momma these days.

Here's what you're up to:

* teething like crazy...4 top teeth are coming in at once.  You have been getting a lot of low grade temperatures.  The front left tooth finally came through....yea!!!
* lbs
* eats 4-6 oz every four hours
* eats 3 meals of baby food a day
* eats puffs...not big on real food.  You act like you want it but when it gets to your mouth you spit it out.
* loves that paci!!!
* has to be standing up beside the toybox or pulling up on anything near you.
* can wave hi and bye bye...not necessarily at the right time but now you know you can do it maybe you will do it more often
* letting go of toy boxes or couches and trying to take at least 2 steps and then will fall on your face if I am not there to catch you.
* plays patty cake when I sing it
* walked behind a baby stroller at Aunt MiMi's.  They have better carpet for that and you were able to control every step

Swimming in May

Today was like 90 something degrees so we went swimming. Here are a few pictures. Emmy is 9 months and Breckie is 2 years old. They loved the water. Breck is a little too free spirited!!!

Touch a Truck




Breckie and the Bible

As usual, I asked Breckie if he learned about anything at school.  Usually he doesn't really say anything and I pry and pry until I get something out of him.  But today was a little different.  I asked him if he learned anything.  He replied, "We prayed."  I said "oh before lunch?"  I really don't know when they pray but I figured that was a good time.  He said, "yes."  I said, "What else did you learn?"  He said, "Bible."  I said, "Oh what did you learn about the Bible?"  "Jesus," he replied.  I said, "Yes Jesus is in the Bible."  Did you learn anything else about the Bible?  "Yes, Noah's Ark."  I asked, "What went in Noah's Ark?  He thought and thought.  I just about answered.  (Trying to use the teacher wait time)...Finally he said, "animals."  I said, "Was there lots of water?"  "Yes, the boat is in the water."  I was very surprised by this conversation.  It shows me that this is a great daycare and he is listening.  I know we discuss this before bed and read the Bible but he has got to be learning this from school.  Church doesn't teach him anything at this age.  I hate that his class doesn't do anything but let them play.  Hopefully in the next class he will learn something.  Just wanted to jot down this memory.  He is at such a fun age to have conversations with!!!

Mother's Day

This was a great Mother's Day. We woke up at the crack of dawn as usual. Then Jason made us breakfast. He had given me my present last Friday night. He's not very good at waiting until the actual day. It was a basket of goodies that I can do with the kids this summer. It's some stones that can go in my new garden at the new house. I can't wait for the move!!!! He is also getting me family pictures done, but the kids have not been cooperating. The first week we cancelled due to Breck's entire face being red, rashy, and swollen from strep. Then Emmy got a huge black eye at school the next weekend. So we cancelled again. Now it's Mother's Day weekend. Hopefully we can get it done soon. I'm slacking on Emmy's professional portraits. Anyways, then we went to Church. It's also baby dedication day on Mother's Day. Emmy did so well up on the stage. She smiled for everyone and everyone oohed and aaaahed. Then we went to Nana and Papa's for lunch. It was a nice, relaxing day!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Swim for Emmy

After we went to the Touch a Truck Exhibit and it being 90 degrees almost today, we decided to take a swim. This was Emmy's first time to get in the pool. She didn't even care that it was really cold when she first got in. She would have dove head first if I would have let her. We stayed out there way longer than we ever did with Breck. He liked the water but he wasn't satisfied being in there after about 15 minutes. She loved being out there!!!

8 Months

My baby girl is 8 months old today. She.is.a.mess!!!! Emmy Rose, you are very strong willed! You are probably going to walk before you learn to actually crawl. You have got to be the fastest army crawler I know! LOL...The other night, after bath, Breck was acting silly and acting like he was going to get you. So you literally jumped out of my arms, cracking up, and started army crawling as fast as you could. I died laughing at both of you. You are chasing Breck everywhere in your walker. I think you think you are older than you are. Here are some things you are up to: * lbs (I know this because I took you to the doctor to check on your ears. You have been grabbing your left ear for 5 days straight) * likes to hold your own bottle and feel in control (I have no clue where you got this personality from) * eats any where between 4 and 6 ounces of formula (8 on very rare occassions) * eat 3 meals a day on most days (I'm pretty sure you're done when you start making raspberries with your mouth and you blow food all over me!!!!) * doesn't like anything with texture (yogurt melts, cheese puffs just made you gag the most dramatic gag I have ever seen) * did a little better with mum mums * I think you've been pretty cranky at daycare...I don't really know what's going on there? * I think you may be teething again....drooling like crazy and kind of fussy * Pulling up to kneeling position to get into a toybox, and trying to pull all the way up but immediately falling and about break your neck * loves to give hugs (you grab hair and bury your head in but I really think its just your way of giving hugs) * when I pick you up from daycare you are very excited to see me. Somtimes you cry but I think its like oh my goodness my momma's finally here for me and sometimes you just smile and give me the biggest slobbery kisses ever. I like it when you do that rather than cry. The crying makes me feel really bad that I have to work and you have to go to daycare. * Becoming a momma's girl! You definitely like to be with me and have me hold you. You will pretty much go to anyone but are quick to reach back for me. * size 3 diapers still * 6/9 month and some 12 month clothes, 12 months are mainly in the pants. You must have some long legs! We love everything that is going on with you right now. We just wish our house was built and things could slow down a little so we can enjoy you and Breckie. * Breck.... *Blames everything on Jack W at school *only having a few accidents with potty *loves soccer and basketball with dada *still coming in to sleep with us in the middle of the night *asked him what he did at school one day: we played in the kitchen...oh yeah...what did you make...peanut butter with Jack W...who ate your peanut butter...Whitney - i thought this was funny. I don't know if it was true but you can have a conversation with you and it's too cute sometimes.