Friday, April 5, 2013

Emmy's First Haircut

We had Aunt Sara do her first haircut.  I felt like her bangs were driving her nuts hanging in her eyes.  She kept using her hand to sweep them out of her eyes.  Toby took some cute, sweet pictures.  Even though the pictures look sweet, she was screaming and crying the whole time.  Haha!!!

19 Months

Well since 18 months you have been a little ball of personality.  You have been cracking us up.  This month you have been trying to talk and say all sorts of things.  You're a little mimic.  It is really funny when you have pooped.  You will tell me every single time.  One time you wouldn't let me leave the daycare until I finally understood that you were telling me that you pooped.  Another time you told me you pooped while I was cooking dinner.  I told you I would change you in two seconds.  Then you ran off.  I heard the bathroom door slam open and your potty lid slam up.  I walked in there and you were sitting on the potty.  I have a feeling you will be an early potty trainer like Breck.  Yea for me!!!!!!


18 months

I can't believe my baby girl is already 1 1/2 years old.  Man, is she sassy!  I remember Breck being about the same way around this age.  We have hit the point where it's just better to order out.  Restaurants and grocery stores are just not our friends.  It's not even like they're terrible in these places, it's just not enjoyable.  I am spending all my time redirecting and trying to think of what we can do next to keep them occupied.  I don't even think Jason and I get in one meaningful conversation.  So I guess we'll just settle for picking up dinner and only going to the grocery store while they are at daycare or only take Breck.  Emmy just wants to walk every where these days.  She hates riding in the carts.  She won't sit in a high chair.  She thinks she is a very big girl.  She is staring to tell us when she needs her diaper changed.  She will probably be an early trainer like Breck.  The other day at daycare she was not going to leave before she got her point across that she had pooped and needed her diaper changed before we left.  She went the round about way of doing it but I figured her out.  She is a smart girl (takes after her momma...haha).

*pretty much tells when she wants or needs a diaper change
* sits on the potty every time I go and acts like she is going.  She probably is.
* still like hush little baby to be put to sleep
* does not like to be covered up apparently.....she hadn't slept all night in a week or more so I tried not even covering her up and she slept all night.  This may have been a coincidence because the next night didn't work out in my favor at all!!!!!  But I think her stomach was killing her.
* loves the really pretty good at the guess the object game
* loves, loves, loves books.  This is like a totally different kid in the book department.  She carries them around everywhere and gets mad mad mad if anyone tries to take them.  Some times I'm very tempted to let her sleep with it.  I really don't know how she thinks its comfortable to lay on a hard book but whatever.  I love that she will sit for books now.  I don't love reading them continuously and the same book a million times!!!!
* attached to momma these days.  Didn't even want Gigi a couple of those days
* I worried about how it would go taking her to breaks soccer games.  I didn't figure she would sit still for even a minute, but she's doing fairly well.  Stickers are a lifesaver!!!
She loves to sit and read in breaks bed.  If she continues this no sleeping streak I'm tempted to change her crib out.  Then I could just go lay with her until she falls asleep.  Carrying her back to her crib doesn't work.  She is a very light sleeper like her momma.
* going through a stage and will not wear her shoes and socks!!!!!!

17 months

A lot of sickness this month!!!!  I think I took you to the doctor three times and they finally said you had Rsv.  I think you had it all along.  You had the same symptoms the entire month. are well now....for now anyways.  Hopefully for a while.  All teeth have popped through except for molars but I can feel those coming in on the bottoms.

-  can tell me what hurts....ears, feet, head is usually what hurts and I believe you
-  loving to do the motions to twinkle twinkle and yo
u try to sing it.  Also Italy Betsy spider.
-  climbing on anything you can
-  attached to goodnight moon book
-  loves bracelets.  I hate to say his but I have gotten up with you twice now and found some sort of bracelet on you that obviously I didn't know you we're wearing when I put you to bed.  That's kind of scary to me.  So I've been trying to check you over before putting you to bed.
-  loves to sit in bricks bed and watch tv or read books with Breck.  She is such a big girl
-  likes to pick her nose....disgusting
-  wont wear shoes or socks for some reason right now
-  Goes to give people kisses and then quickly turns her head....loves to do this to dadda every morning
-  has the best little pucker you have ever seen
-  she may be our next little soccer player...she tries to do everything Breck does with his soccer ball. She thinks its hilarious to sit on it
-  Loves the iPad

Monday, February 11, 2013


Hey hey....I am officially a soccer mom.  I can't believe I have a kid old enough to play a sport.  It feels weird but I like it.  He did so well.  I couldn't believe how good he did for the first time to ever play.  He ran his little heart out.  You could tell he was tired.  I think it really helped to have Isabelle on his team.  She is an excellent motivator.  It is so cute.  Here are pictures....ok...quite a few.  I can't help it.  Jason got me a new lens for valentines day.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Pete the Elf - December 1, 2012

This was fun...but some days we almost forgot.  I'm kind of glad its over.  Thank goodness for pinterest.   : )

We were getting pictures done this day so Pete was telling the kids to be good during pictures.  It actually worked pretty well.

We didn't get some days.  Some days were just not very creative at all.

Christmas Train - December 1, 2012

This is the day Gigi took all of us on the Christmas Train to see Santa.  We went to Johnson and back.  It was actually a pretty good length of time since we had Emmy with us.  She actually did pretty well.  I was surprised.  Here are the pictures...