Saturday, December 12, 2015

7 Months

You all of a sudden started looking and acting older. This has gone by so incredibly fast. While I like that you are getting easier, I don't like my baby growing up so fast. You are sitting up well but at this point, but not putting your arms down to catch yourself. You just topple over.  You love your brother and sister. You just stare and laugh at them all day!!

7 1/2 months
I can now trust you to sit up by yourself but only on the carpet.  You still fall over or back sometimes.  You have been pretty sick lately.  Breck and you threw up one night one right after the other.  Man that was fun going back and forth between the two.  The next night was Emmy's turn.  So far I haven't gotten it.  Thank goodness.  A lot of my school kids have gotten it.  It is a really bad stomach bug.  Anyways, you have thrown up once a night for a week.  I finally took you to the doctor.  They put you on acid reflux meds.  This has seemed to help.  I am also giving you benedryl at night to dry you up a little.  You are sooooo congested and snotty and drooly.  You are a mess.  
6 oz bottle every 3-4 hours. We had to start going you an extra bottle in there somewhere. 

3 foods a day on most days.
size 3 diapers