Tuesday, March 30, 2010

5 Months Old

Dear Breck,

Today, April 3, 2010, you are 5 months old. You have been so fun to play with lately. Poppa and I love to make you laugh. You have the cutest little laugh ever! Here are some of the things that you are doing these days.

* smiles all the time and at everyone
* favorite song is skidda marinkee dink....(momma doesn't know how to spell that one!)
* enjoys looking at yourself in the mirror and poppa sings stand'em up
* 6 oz bottles every 3 1/2 hours, rice cereal in the morning and we just now are starting a little food for dinner. You loved squash, so hopefully you will love vegetables!!!
* loves baths
* sleeps from 7:30 until 6:30 or so with only a few wake ups. I still go in there and put you back to sleep....some times are easier than others but it usually doesn't take very long at all....I think a lot of it has to do with teething. Your hands are in your mouth constantly, drooling all over, and chewing on everything.
* hates putting clothes on....it's been a lot better since we sing the hokey pokey song
* loves toys, people talking to you, and people singing to you
* really enjoys watching Coleman's tail wag : )....I bet you'll be grabbing it one day!!
* reaching for things a lot better now....using both hands at the same time now
* size 3 diapers

We love you so much and love spending time with you!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Today was Breck's first St. Patrick's Day. We did a lot today. It started with him sleeping all the way until 6:30 this morning. I couldn't believe it. So....since he woke up so early, I got him back by taking pictures. He looked too cute!! We are still having a rough start in the beginning. He will easily fall asleep and go to bed after his 7:30 bottle, but wakes up about 30 - 40 minutes later with a huge gas bubble. Then he goes to sleep again. Sometimes I have to do this like 4 times. There is no way I can just let him cry. I bet it hurts!! Then around 2:00 I have to reposition him. He is very squirmy and somehow gets all sideways in his crib. Then he is not elevated at all and he seems to get congested. Or he needs oragel....I think he's teething. Anyways back to today. We went to Wal-mart, out to eat with Grandma at Red Lobster, to see Aunt Nini, and to a Neighborhood Market, because Wal-mart didn't have his formula. We were having a great day and then he started crankin. I ended up giving him some teething tablets and he slept for 2 hours. That is definitely a first considering he is a 40 minute napper. When he woke up he was as happy as could be until about 8:30. It was a great St. Patrick's Day!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little China Man

Look what Grandpa brought me back from China....a little China man outfit. Don't I look cute?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Isabelle's First Birthday - 3/3/10

Look at that fLiRt!!!

Today, we went to Aunt Mimi's and Uncle Michael's for Isabelle's first birthday. We had lots of fun. Breck found his first girlfriend. Man was he a flirt. I was cracking up at how much he was smiling and interacting with her. It was sooooo cute!!!! Isabelle looked really cute in her little birthday outfit!! She is walking everywhere!!! It is amazing how fast they grow up! It makes me realize I need to cherish every moment with Breck.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I will get it if I want it......3/7/10

Today while Jason and I were eating breakfast, I was sort of playing with Breck and eating at the same time. Anything to keep him calm so we can have a peaceful meal together. So I was holding up his rings in front of him and for the first time he reached out for them. It's funny to watch because his hand/eye coordination is not good at all yet. But anyways we got a picture of him reaching for the first time. Now he also realizes that he can push the spoon away and the bottle when he's had enough.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First try at rice cereal....3/6/10

Well I decided to try rice cereal for the first time yesterday. Yeah, didn't go so hot....He is very dramatic and thought he was starving to death even though I tried to time it a little earlier than I thought he would ACTUALLY want to eat. Anyways, he thought he was starving to death and wanted the bottle. He didn't realize he was really getting food from the spoon. He did keep opening his mouth and trying to eat it. He was just a little fussy. But it was still cute! We'll take it nice and slow and he will eventually get it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

4 Months

Hey everyone....I am just keeping you posted on my progress. Momma can't believe I am already 4 months old!!! Here are some things about me!!

* I can roll over from belly to back
* I love my baths
* I love to look at myself in the mirror (I just laugh and laugh)
* I like to be held where I can see everything
* I laugh out loud when momma or poppa kisses me on my neck (it really tickles)
* I hate the car seat!!!!
* I think my momma is the best thing ever.....I look at her and laugh...she is so funny!!!
* I can hold stuff...but I really don't reach for anything yet. I was born 6 weeks early....momma just tells me its going to take me a bit longer to do things.
* I have been sleeping in my crib for 2 nights now and have done a good job. I still wake up between 3 and 5 starving to death. I can't wait for her to feed me more!
* I love to play ugly monkey with my poppa. I just die laughing at that ugly thing.

I love being four months old!!!!

Visit from Nanny and Grandpa!!!

Momma tells me I have to wear orange socks so I don't get shot!!

Nanny and Grandpa came to vist us after being gone to Chicago for a couple months. I am so excited to see them. They haven't seen me since Christmas and I am doing a lot more since the last time they have seen me. They won't believe how big I am. Grandpa is really big into hunting and they brought me the cutest little camo overalls and some cute camo shoes. So here I am sporting my hunting look so Grandpa and Poppa will be proud!!!

Finally back to Church....

TAKE 2!!

Me and My Poppa

Me and Momma

Momma tells me I am going to Church today!!! I hope it's fun!

FINALLY, the day has come that we were able to get back into Church. We just felt like we should listen to the doctors when they told us to stay away from big crowds due to the flu going around. So we have for the most part. Flu season isn't exactly over, but he is 4 months old now and we have to start showing him off. He is too dang cute to keep stuck in a house. So we got ready and everything was going smoothly until......he decides to make a dirty, and I mean dirty diaper. So dirty we had to change outfits. So needless to say, he had on his Sunday best and then I just put on whatever because I didn't want to be late. I hate being late places. Jason and I were volunteering in the nursery that day, so I decided it would be a great day to start going again. He laughed and played so hard that by 11:30 when Church was over he went straight to sleep in the car and slept through lunch. Since then we have gone back one more time and I got brave and left him in the nursery. He must have been okay because they didn't kick him out. It feels great to get back into things that we enjoyed doing before he arrived.