Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finally back to Church....

TAKE 2!!

Me and My Poppa

Me and Momma

Momma tells me I am going to Church today!!! I hope it's fun!

FINALLY, the day has come that we were able to get back into Church. We just felt like we should listen to the doctors when they told us to stay away from big crowds due to the flu going around. So we have for the most part. Flu season isn't exactly over, but he is 4 months old now and we have to start showing him off. He is too dang cute to keep stuck in a house. So we got ready and everything was going smoothly until......he decides to make a dirty, and I mean dirty diaper. So dirty we had to change outfits. So needless to say, he had on his Sunday best and then I just put on whatever because I didn't want to be late. I hate being late places. Jason and I were volunteering in the nursery that day, so I decided it would be a great day to start going again. He laughed and played so hard that by 11:30 when Church was over he went straight to sleep in the car and slept through lunch. Since then we have gone back one more time and I got brave and left him in the nursery. He must have been okay because they didn't kick him out. It feels great to get back into things that we enjoyed doing before he arrived.

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