Wednesday, May 26, 2010

7 months


You are now 7 months old. At this rate, I feel like I need to start planning your first birthday already. You are growing like a weed and doing new things or new faces everyday. It is so fun watching you grow. Here's what you've been up to:

  • approximately 19 lbs
  • eating oatmeal and a fruit in the morning
  • started eating a veggie for lunch at the end of 6 months
  • eating a veggie for dinner
  • bottles vary - pretty much a 7 oz bottle every 4 hours (sometimes you have a schedule of your own and want to eat at 4:30 a.m. and so sometimes your bottles are different. You really like to throw your momma for a loop especially when leaving directions with a babysitter. I never know what to put
  • sitting; however, you cannot be left alone. We still topple over or backwards. Until you learn to put your hands down to catch yourself, then you can't be left alone for a second in the sitting position.
  • you swim rather than crawl. I am guessing this is just part of the learning process. You do lift your chest up to see if you have gotten anywhere! But nope you are still in the same position.
  • Nana and I swear you have waved bye bye to us like 4 times. So that is what we are working on
  • We believe your first word is "HI." You may have no clue what you are saying, but I did catch you while you were in your walker this week looking at Cabella and just saying HI in the sweetest little Breckie voice. I loved it!
  • I say, "kiss, kiss" and most of the time you will grab my face, open your mouth as wide as you can and lean in for a great big, slobbery kiss. So adorable!!!!
  • Since I hurt my back lifting you out of the car with you being in the carseat, I finally said no more carseat. So now you are sitting up in the shopping carts and in high chairs at restaurants. Not always the whole time, but you are doing great!
  • Poppa took you fishing for the first time. You really didn't care too much about it but we stayed there for 3 hours. You were a pretty good boy!
  • Really going after it in the walker, like running almost! When you run into things and I say "errrrrrr," you crack up!
  • Napping is questionable. I tend to put you down when you're cranky. Usually it's around the same time each day.
  • Still going to bed by 7 and waking up no later than 6 in the morning.
  • Today you cut your first tooth. Last night was a cranky one, so hopefully you will feel better and be able to sleep!!!
  • Favorite songs: Pat-a-cake, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, B-I-N-G-O, Skidda-mirinka-dink, 5 Green and Speckled Frogs

You are so cute and we love spending every second with you!!!! You're growing up baby boy way too fast!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gone Fish'in

Today Breck, Momma, and Poppa wanted to do something outdoorsy. It was such a beautiful day today, so we loaded up and went fish'in. This was Bubbies first fishing experience. He could care less about the fish, even as it splished and splashed in the water. He enjoyed watching the waves hit the shore more than anything. He was pretty good even though it was quite warm out. We ended up staying there for about 3 hours. When he got hot, we would just put cold water on his head and he began smiling and laughing again. It was a fun day and we really enjoyed being outdoors. Here are some pictures of Breck catching his first fish and I'm sure not his last.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day and Baby Dedication

Today was my first Mother's Day. We had a great day. First we woke up and Jason fixed breakfast for me. Then he and Bubbies gave me my Mother's Day present. It was two more charms for my bracelet. I loved it. Then we went to Church. Today was also baby dedication day. So we got all dressed up. Breck was excellent in Church today. We didn't even take him to the nursery. When we were up front, Breck was really listening, because when Jason took the microphone to introduce us, Breck started grinning from ear to ear when Jason said his name. Everyone laughed. He was so cute. After the introduction and saying the prayer for the babies, they received a Bible. After all that, we went and sat down and Breck fell asleep for almost the rest of the service. He did a great job!!! Then we went to eat lunch and came home and actually got to take an hour nap. After the nap, we went to Grandma's for dinner. It was a wonderful day and I love being Breck's momma!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

6 months old

Wow! You are 6 months old and getting soooo cute!!! We could just love on you all day. You are such a cute little thing with such a cute little smile and laugh. Here's what's going on in your little world:

  • wearing size 3 diapers, 18 lbs 3 oz, 27 1/2 inches long

  • eats four 7 oz bottles around 5:30, 11:00, 3:00, and 7:00 and two meals a day. For breakfast you get oatmeal and fruit (which you really don't care about and at dinner you get oatmeal and a veggie (which you love). This seems to be what works for you. It may not be right but you sure are growing

  • you can now roll over both ways

  • you are grabbing your toes and you think it's really funny

  • found your voice and yells all the time - you're even losing your voice a little from all the screaming but it is cute (sometimes a little peace and quiet would be nice)

  • very ticklish but momma loves to hear you laugh so you get tickled a lot

  • Poppa babysat you all night long for the first time

  • Grandma has now babysat you twice all night long

  • lay on your belly and starts swimming (you want to go somewhere and pretty soon it will all click and you will take off)

  • sits with little support (needs work on your balance but you will have it by the end of the month)

  • smiles at everyone!!!!!!!

  • loves being outside and going for walks

  • You sleep through the night but wake up several times still and momma has to go in there and roll you over and give you a little pat. I think you just miss me and want to make sure I am still around.

We are really enjoying every minute we have with you and love seeing you learn all your new tricks. We think you are going to be learning all kinds of things during this 6 month. You are definitely the cutest little baby (we might be a little biased but that's ok).