- wearing size 3 diapers, 18 lbs 3 oz, 27 1/2 inches long
- eats four 7 oz bottles around 5:30, 11:00, 3:00, and 7:00 and two meals a day. For breakfast you get oatmeal and fruit (which you really don't care about and at dinner you get oatmeal and a veggie (which you love). This seems to be what works for you. It may not be right but you sure are growing
- you can now roll over both ways
- you are grabbing your toes and you think it's really funny
- found your voice and yells all the time - you're even losing your voice a little from all the screaming but it is cute (sometimes a little peace and quiet would be nice)
- very ticklish but momma loves to hear you laugh so you get tickled a lot
- Poppa babysat you all night long for the first time
- Grandma has now babysat you twice all night long
- lay on your belly and starts swimming (you want to go somewhere and pretty soon it will all click and you will take off)
- sits with little support (needs work on your balance but you will have it by the end of the month)
- smiles at everyone!!!!!!!
- loves being outside and going for walks
- You sleep through the night but wake up several times still and momma has to go in there and roll you over and give you a little pat. I think you just miss me and want to make sure I am still around.
We are really enjoying every minute we have with you and love seeing you learn all your new tricks. We think you are going to be learning all kinds of things during this 6 month. You are definitely the cutest little baby (we might be a little biased but that's ok).
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