Wednesday, August 4, 2010

9 Months

This has been an exciting month. You are doing a lot and keeping Momma and Poppa on the move. Here's what you've been up to:

  • 21 lbs, 28 1/4 for height....all in the 50 percentile

  • crawling all over the place

  • pulling up on everything

  • loves to hold on to your fingers and walk all over the house; including up stairs

  • took your first airplane ride to Chicago and did an excellent job

  • has 4 teeth: 2 on bottom and 2 on top

  • eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner like a champ and also bottles - no more force feeding you. Still drinking 4 7oz bottles of formula

  • Feed yourself your snacks: yogurt melts, puffs, and mum mums

  • going to bed around 8 and sleeping til 6 (man I wish you would sleep in every once in a while) - only been sleeping better since I switched bottles and put you on colic calm these past 5 nights. I have tried about everything. Now you sleep on your stomach also. You have been sleeping in your crib til about 2 to 4 and then I usually just put you in bed with us.

  • saying da da: no clue what it means but you sure do like to say it. You scream all day long, but everytime you say da da you say it in the sweetest little voice. I love it!!!

  • loves to watch and try to kiss the puppies

I am sure there is a lot more that I have forgotten at this moment because you seem to be doing something new everytime I turn around. I love watching you grow!!!

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