Thursday, November 25, 2010


Last weekend at Nanny and Grandpa's
Last weekend we had Thanksgiving with Jason's parents while they were in town. It was delicious as always. Then today was another fabulous day of eating. Breck did his fair share of eating too. He had a whole Thanksgiving dinner and loved it just as much as he did the weekend before. Both times, he really enjoyed playing with all the kids that were around. He was a tad cranky today though. Below are some pictures of last weekend and today. We are so thankful to have such wonderful family!!!!

5 Great Grandbaby BOYS!!! We need a girl!!!

Fightin over some Gigi time!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


At 12 months, Breck has begun taking steps. He has only stood up by himself only twice, but has recently started letting go of things and taking off walking a few steps. Then he gets distracted and falls. It is too cute watching these different milestones. This one makes me the most nervous I think. He is so wobbly!!! Enjoy the video....


So you have turned one and I just don't want to spend the money on the formula anymore. We have been on this expensive formula forever and you still spit up and you still have cramps......

So I have switched to regular SOY. You have done really well on it. You took to it just fine and you don't even spit up. We have still been putting rice cereal in it but I really don't think you need that anymore. We had cut back and you are still keeping everything down. So I may try to remove the rice cereal and see how you do. I feel rich!!! (not really but $20 on formula for about 3 days compared to $2.50 for SOY for about 3 days sounds so much cheaper!!!!) Hopefully we will see a difference in our money situation.

As for the bottle, that is a different story....I haven't even tried. You are cutting 4 teeth at once (2 molars and 2 bottom teeth), so I didn't feel this was the right time. Plus I have been talking to several people who go by the Farmer's Almanac on this weaning thing and they say the sign has to be at/below the knees.....So that is not until DEC. 21st!!! I guess that's when I'll do it!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

ThE BiG BiRtHdAy PaRtY!!!

On November 6th, 2010 we celebrated Breck's first birthday. We had it at the Jones Center and it turned out great. It was monkey themed, of course!!! Here are some pictures of the special event.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Year Old!!!

Hey, can momma have some???

He may have this present thing down at Christmas.

Well today is the BIG day!!! Breck turned ONE YEAR OLD today. It seriously only seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital having this little guy. It has been a wonderful experience. There have been lots of struggles but so far we have gotten through them and I am sure we will continue to get through more struggles. I am pretty positive there are going to be lots more with every stage we go through. I am just happy to say that he seems to be feeling so much better. I think the kinks with a lot of his allergy problems have been worked out and the stomach cramps are so much better. He still doesn't sleep well at all or NAP for that matter, but that may or may not be a habit at this point. I can see it being a habit since his he has had these problems for over a year now and we finally have them addressed. OR there still may be something keeping him from sleeping. Who knows???? At this point we seem to be doing well and that is what I have been praying about for so long now. Here are some things that Breck is doing at One year old:

* loves to EAT!!! I wish he could eat what he wanted but is on a pretty strict diet of only vegetables and fruits and some snacks that are mostly wheat and dairy free.

* still drinking about 20 something ounces of formula in a bottle (soon to be no bottle, hopefully that goes well)

* starting to take a few he did about 3 controlled steps before leaning into me. He is just about to stand up. He is so cose and then I believe he may take off!!!

* has really been a socialite these last few weeks (he wants to go to just about anyone.....which kind of scares me that he doesn't know strangers!!!)

* much happier at this daycare....that makes my day go a lot smoother and I can actually concentrate on my job

* still napping for about 40 minutes at a time about 3 times a day....still sleeping in our bed and still waking up at different times throughout the night and just. can. not. fall. back. asleep!!!!! I don't get it at all!

* still has 6 teeth! 4 on top and 2 on bottom

* seriously think you are trying to say some words..these are some things that we have heard...dada, momma, gigi, nana, hot, shoe, stop, (for some reason he cracks up when I say stop and then tries to repeat it and then he laughs...he does it over and over again), bath (he crawls to the bath tub laughing the whole way when he hears the water...cutest thing ever), definitely knows what his ball and truck are when I say where's your ball he goes and gets it.

Too cute for words!!!! We love this kid so much and can't imagine life without him!!!! Happy Birthday to our Breckie Boo!!!!