Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So you have turned one and I just don't want to spend the money on the formula anymore. We have been on this expensive formula forever and you still spit up and you still have cramps......

So I have switched to regular SOY. You have done really well on it. You took to it just fine and you don't even spit up. We have still been putting rice cereal in it but I really don't think you need that anymore. We had cut back and you are still keeping everything down. So I may try to remove the rice cereal and see how you do. I feel rich!!! (not really but $20 on formula for about 3 days compared to $2.50 for SOY for about 3 days sounds so much cheaper!!!!) Hopefully we will see a difference in our money situation.

As for the bottle, that is a different story....I haven't even tried. You are cutting 4 teeth at once (2 molars and 2 bottom teeth), so I didn't feel this was the right time. Plus I have been talking to several people who go by the Farmer's Almanac on this weaning thing and they say the sign has to be at/below the knees.....So that is not until DEC. 21st!!! I guess that's when I'll do it!!

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