Wednesday, December 28, 2011

17 weeks

Well Breckie is still coughing up a storm and now Emmy has a cough and her poor little voice is pitiful. I'm thinking about taking her to the doctor tomorrow. They will probably tell me there is nothing they can do about it and that it is viral. But I think I would feel much better taking her in. Breck's potty training is going very well considering all the excitement we have had around the house. The only thing we have to work on is the poopy. He can go in the potty but he can't tell when he needs to go sit on it. He's a tad too late. YUCK!!! He has told me a few times while we are out and about. I usually have a pull up on him but he still thinks they're underwear I guess. He has gone to school 2 days in underwear and has done great. So why is sleep training so difficult with this kid. We can take pacis, bottle, etc. away and even potty train fairly easy but sleep with him is a nightmare!!!!

Emmy however, has been sleeping all night til 7 in the morning. But now that she is sick I don't know how the night will go. We all think she is teething like crazy. There were 2 days that I couldn't put that girl down for nothing. Drooling and eating her hand like crazy!!! Her bottom gums are definitely changing. Hopefully a tooth will pop through soon. You are grabbing at everything (even my food while I am eating)...You are getting really good at holding your own bottle. You are starting to take it in and out of your mouth playing with the last few ounces. So far no rolling over but you are starting to throw that head back and arch your body so I bet it's coming pretty soon. Really starting to look at toys and books when I am playing them with you. Loves to hug those baby dolls. Grandma Maloney got you a new cute doll and you like it a lot. You are starting to grab Breckie when he gets near you and you will just smile and talk. It's too cute! I can tell you love your brother already. It's really cute to watch you look in the mirror. You must think you're cute because you just grin and talk to yourself! Too cute for words!!!!

So I took you to the doctor...twice. First the nurse practitioner said it was viral and to let it run its course. That night of course you gained a new symptom...a fever of 100.4. I' m freaking out of course because I didn't know how high a four month old's fever could get before going to the emergency room. Needless to say I freaked out and took you to the urgent care clinic. They were very nice but a $50 visit. He did say pretty much the same thing but gave me some stuff to help you breathe. You seem to be getting better...thank goodness. I sure don't like sick babies.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

4 months

Today you are four months old. It is Christmas Eve. So we will be going to Nana and Papa's house.

Weight: 13.7
Eat: 4-6 oz every 3 to 4 hours
Sleep: til about 4:30 but for the past 2 days you have slept til 7 in the morning and I haven't had to go in there at all...It's been really great, especially since I am not sleeping because I am constantly thinking about the house

Here are some pictures of Christmas Eve at Nana's and Papa's.

Mike and Debbie came in for the Christmas Break and so did Grandma and Grandpa Maloney. We haven't seen them in years so it was really great to have them here and see all the grandbabies. Here are some pictures from Christmas with the McFadden's.

16 weeks

Cute, cute and more cute are you cute. You are a bundle of sunshine. Even when you get mad which is rare you are still smiling. I think its funny that even before you were born I found this cute birthday party theme for your first are my sunshine and that is just what you are. You brighten up my day every single day. Now when I wake you up you stretch and before your eyes even get adjusted to the light you give me a big smile. You squeal like crazy and laugh this goofy laugh. I let you try a little cereal this week and you hated it. Your face made so many expressions I have never seen on you. We'll keep trying. Reaching for your toys is getting so much more coordinated. You are too cute!!

This week I have been off for Christmas break and we have started potty training. He has been doing so great. As long as I make home keep going he does pretty well but he doesn't really tell me in enough time yet. Even with company all day yesterday he still did great considering its only day 3. Hey we even popped in the potty. It was too cute. He had been naked since I was taking a shower and can't pull down his pants before pottying very . So I had just given him juice to make him have to go and he was standing up watching tv. I asked him if he needed to pool or pre. No I heat him say so I started my hair. All of a sudden he ran into the bathroom, sat down on his potty, pooped very quickly, stood up and turned around, looked at it and said I did it. It was so cute. Then I had to clean it up and give him his dollar. Yes I bribed him.

This is his sticker chart

As for the house....I think we have a floor and driveway. They are supposed to begin framing next week. I need to go by and look at it tomorrow.

Monday, December 19, 2011

15 weeks

We have a few new things going on now. We are definitely reaching for our toys and we have finally started laughing out loud. We have finally realized that you pass out by 730, so your last bottle needs to be by 700 or you will be falling asleep during it. You have such a sweet personality. I look at you and you smile. So far I have blessed with such a good baby and I thank God for that daily. Starting tomorrow is Christmas break. Even though family is a comin in I feel like its time to bite the bullet and potty train breckie boo....oh help me have the patience needed. On another note Nana came home from the hospital last Saturday to recover. We pray she makes a full recovery.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

14 weeks

This week has flown by. I am trying so hard to keep up with these weekly posts and take weekly pictures but man is it hard especially since I've been back to work. Emmy has been doing well in daycare. Momma's getting back in the swing of things. Hopefully next week will go smoother. Then only 2 days of the next week and it is officially Christmas Break!!! We are going to try to tackle potty training....wish me luck!!! I have a feeling he may be a little stubborn. This week lots of people have been sick. Jason has been sick, Papa and Nana. Nana even had to be admitted to the hospital for pnuemonia. I am surprised Emmy or Breckie didn't end up sick. Since I hadn't taken the kids to see them since I have started back to work (they are used to our weekly trips to see them) Monday I decided to take them dinner after work so they could see the kids. Papa was extremely sick and Breck was all over him and in the same room. So far they haven't come down with anything. Then two days later is when it hit Nana and she just kept getting worse. So today they decided she better go.

Back to Emmy...

sleeping has still been considered good; however, you have started waking up a little more often. Usually I just have to go in and put in the paci then a few pats and you're back to sleep. But this morning, you were starving to death at like 2:30 so I fed you. If you would drink more than 4 oz at a feeding you might get a little fuller but for some reason 5 oz is the tops and a lot of times 4 is the absolute most. I am thinking about putting a little cereal in your bottle at night. We'll see. You watch my every move when I am eating. Maybe one day you will be a good eater like Breckie! You are doing better at grabbing for things but still haven't mastered it yet.

We went to Brenda Whittle's Christmas Party today and had a lot of fun. Breck really enjoyed being able to run around. Apparently the mush pit wore him out because he was telling me night night at 7:30. Maybe he'll sleep good and in his own bed tonight. Ha! I hope the pictures of Santa turned out good since that may be the only picture with Santa....I need to get my booty in gear and get them up to the mall to take pictures with Santa!

Here are some pictures that I managed to get today. Breck was very eager to hold Emmy for some reason.

They are the same age in these pictures. Look how much they look alike!!! freakin cute!!!!