Well Breckie is still coughing up a storm and now Emmy has a cough and her poor little voice is pitiful. I'm thinking about taking her to the doctor tomorrow. They will probably tell me there is nothing they can do about it and that it is viral. But I think I would feel much better taking her in. Breck's potty training is going very well considering all the excitement we have had around the house. The only thing we have to work on is the poopy. He can go in the potty but he can't tell when he needs to go sit on it. He's a tad too late. YUCK!!! He has told me a few times while we are out and about. I usually have a pull up on him but he still thinks they're underwear I guess. He has gone to school 2 days in underwear and has done great. So why is sleep training so difficult with this kid. We can take pacis, bottle, etc. away and even potty train fairly easy but sleep with him is a nightmare!!!!
Emmy however, has been sleeping all night til 7 in the morning. But now that she is sick I don't know how the night will go. We all think she is teething like crazy. There were 2 days that I couldn't put that girl down for nothing. Drooling and eating her hand like crazy!!! Her bottom gums are definitely changing. Hopefully a tooth will pop through soon. You are grabbing at everything (even my food while I am eating)...You are getting really good at holding your own bottle. You are starting to take it in and out of your mouth playing with the last few ounces. So far no rolling over but you are starting to throw that head back and arch your body so I bet it's coming pretty soon. Really starting to look at toys and books when I am playing them with you. Loves to hug those baby dolls. Grandma Maloney got you a new cute doll and you like it a lot. You are starting to grab Breckie when he gets near you and you will just smile and talk. It's too cute! I can tell you love your brother already. It's really cute to watch you look in the mirror. You must think you're cute because you just grin and talk to yourself! Too cute for words!!!!
So I took you to the doctor...twice. First the nurse practitioner said it was viral and to let it run its course. That night of course you gained a new symptom...a fever of 100.4. I' m freaking out of course because I didn't know how high a four month old's fever could get before going to the emergency room. Needless to say I freaked out and took you to the urgent care clinic. They were very nice but a $50 visit. He did say pretty much the same thing but gave me some stuff to help you breathe. You seem to be getting better...thank goodness. I sure don't like sick babies.
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