I'm a little behind with Emmy's post. There has been some major lack of sleep and it was really bringing me down. So since she was refusing to eat and not sleeping good during the day or night I decided it was time to go to the doctor. the doctor checked her ears and they looked great. So she had me feed her and what to you know they think its acid reflux. What did I do to cause both kids to have this? She is definitely not anywhere as bad as breck was but the sleep was getting bad. Anyways I reluctantly put her on zantac. We'll see how it goes.
She is such a hoot. She gets so excited when people talk to her. She squeals, grabs my hair or whatever she can get those hands on and bury her face. So cute! She is sitting with support but sometimes I can let go and you will stay there. Sitting will definitely be in the near future. Still no rolling over to my knowledge. I think daycare says you can roll over by grabbing onto things like the play gym with your little toes. You are a little monkey and will probably be one that crawls out of your crib at 9 months. Only time will tell. You love to listen to books. You get very excited. I'll tell you another thing that you love is your brother. Man you think he is funny. So funny that you could care less about your bottle. Frustrating on my part but i love the way you watch him.
Breckie is using some bigger vocabulary. I wish my first graders had his vocabulary. I had moved his step stool and this morning when he got up to potty. He said, "where's my step stool?". I had no clue he knew that word. He us so incredibly cute lately with singing his abc's all.the.time. even in the doctors office. You can also read brown bear brown bear. We showed that off to gigi, Nana and papa. They loved it.
The one thing I am worried about with you though is that you are telling me that your head, teeth, ears, and eyes hurt. I am so afraid that you have some major issues with your sinuses like your dad. We went to the allergist on Monday and they swabbed to see if there is bacteria but we haven't gotten any results back yet.
Things are going...just wish it would slow down. I cent believe Emmy is almost 6 months old. It doesn't seem like it has been that long.
Park City Utah
2 years ago