Tuesday, January 31, 2012

21 weeks

I'm a little behind with Emmy's post. There has been some major lack of sleep and it was really bringing me down. So since she was refusing to eat and not sleeping good during the day or night I decided it was time to go to the doctor. the doctor checked her ears and they looked great. So she had me feed her and what to you know they think its acid reflux. What did I do to cause both kids to have this? She is definitely not anywhere as bad as breck was but the sleep was getting bad. Anyways I reluctantly put her on zantac. We'll see how it goes.

She is such a hoot. She gets so excited when people talk to her. She squeals, grabs my hair or whatever she can get those hands on and bury her face. So cute! She is sitting with support but sometimes I can let go and you will stay there. Sitting will definitely be in the near future. Still no rolling over to my knowledge. I think daycare says you can roll over by grabbing onto things like the play gym with your little toes. You are a little monkey and will probably be one that crawls out of your crib at 9 months. Only time will tell. You love to listen to books. You get very excited. I'll tell you another thing that you love is your brother. Man you think he is funny. So funny that you could care less about your bottle. Frustrating on my part but i love the way you watch him.

Breckie is using some bigger vocabulary. I wish my first graders had his vocabulary. I had moved his step stool and this morning when he got up to potty. He said, "where's my step stool?". I had no clue he knew that word. He us so incredibly cute lately with singing his abc's all.the.time. even in the doctors office. You can also read brown bear brown bear. We showed that off to gigi, Nana and papa. They loved it.

The one thing I am worried about with you though is that you are telling me that your head, teeth, ears, and eyes hurt. I am so afraid that you have some major issues with your sinuses like your dad. We went to the allergist on Monday and they swabbed to see if there is bacteria but we haven't gotten any results back yet.

Things are going...just wish it would slow down. I cent believe Emmy is almost 6 months old. It doesn't seem like it has been that long.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

5 months

I can not believe how fast these five months have gone. U hate having to work. I feel like I come home and have so many chores that have to get done before the next day that I don't feel like I an giving the attention I need to be giving the kids. I can't wait until the house is done and we can one thing off our list. Maybe then things can get back to normal. Emmy is still a little ball of sunshine. However at this time will hardly eat or sleep. So guess what....Dr appt on Thursday. Hopefully he'll find something wrong and we can get her fixed. I had to clean up her first major blowout today. Yeah that was fun. Alll over her crib....in her hair. So I threw her in the bath. Here are a few stats:

* eats 6 oz when she wants to eat every 4 hours
* size 2 diapers
* 6/9 month clothes for the most part....some are still a little big
* eats and likes about 2 tablespoons of rice cereal at night
* size 2 shoe probably....you outgrew all the shoes we owned so its time for momma to go shopping ....oh darn

We love you baby girl and love your beautiful smile!

Breckie at this time is becoming very independent. He wants to stand ansmd fi potty all by himself. But he is getting very creative and is just a swinging that thing all over the place.....not making momma very happy at all. He can pretty much tell me what he is wanting or needing which is great. He sounds and acts so much bigger. He too is growing up way too fast.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

20 weeks

Almost 5 months old. Time is flying by. We have so much going on right now its crazy. I can't wait to get into the new house so maybe we can settle down a little. I don't think it will ever be as calm as u want it until summer break. Every night just seems like a blurr. We come home, eat, bathe, feed, and then its bed. I hate having to fish like this every night. I try so hard to take it as slow as I can and take in every minute with breck and Emmy. Breck is at such a fun age. It can be trying at times also....terrible terrible twos. He is starting to talk in sentences. Rather than Emmy??? in a question form meaning he wants to know where she is. He says this morning. Where is Emmy at? Took me by surprise. Breckie says some of the funniest things and some of the Cutest actions. All of a suddden he thinks crossing his leg is hilarious. Which it is pretty cute.

Emmy is returning back to my good sleeper. She has only been waking twice and its only a matter of putting back in your mou andth walking away. If I would let you cry for a minute you would probably go back to sleep, but of course I can't let you cry. I have a video of Jason carrying you while he was kicking a ball and you are cracking up. You have the funniest little cackle as your dada called it. He said you laugh just like me. Sorry. It's cute on you but I don't think my laugh is too cute. You still laugh and smile at anyone who talks to you. I have no clue where you and breck get your social skills. Jason and I could live in a hole and be happy but breck goes and sits in whosever lap that will talk to him and you will smile and talk to anyone who will talk to you. Nothing else is really happening. Just hoping Jason gets better and we have a good rest of the week. We are going to eat on saturday with friends for my birthday. Can't wait!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

19 weeks

My perfect little sleeper is now not sleeping. After the sickness she had the past few weeks, it has totally messed up her sleep cycle. I need sleep!!!! You are still so very happy. When we went to the Dr last week, they said you were in the 50th percentile everywhere but in the 90th percentile in length. I have me a little model.

You can hold your bottle if you want to. You act like you are 6 months old. Rolling over is in the near future. You get so close and then you give up. Also, you crack me up at how well you are able to get the paci into your mouth. You will work and work until you get it. Too cute. Grandma and grandpa came to visit this weekend. Breckie loved his computer. It is a great bribery tool in getting him to poop on the potty and so is playdough. Anyways its been a long week for momma. Hopefully next week will go smoothly. The house is coming along.

Friday, January 6, 2012

18 weeks

You are looking and acting a lot bigger these days. finally you are getting over your sickness. It really may have been due to the thermostat issues that were causing both you and breck from getting well. The thermostat was programmed to go down to sixty and back to 71 at really weird times. So o didn't think that was food for a baby to be hot and cold like that.....needless to say I paid $70 for someone to come tell me to push the hold button. We have been eating rice cereal during our dinnertime. You still don't care for it though. You are reaching and grabbing onto everything in sight. Watch your dinner at a restaurant. Lol. You haven't been sleeping very well at all. I don't know of its teethig, the sickness, or you being spoiled rotten.

We love you Emmy sister, as breckie boo calls you.