Wednesday, January 11, 2012

19 weeks

My perfect little sleeper is now not sleeping. After the sickness she had the past few weeks, it has totally messed up her sleep cycle. I need sleep!!!! You are still so very happy. When we went to the Dr last week, they said you were in the 50th percentile everywhere but in the 90th percentile in length. I have me a little model.

You can hold your bottle if you want to. You act like you are 6 months old. Rolling over is in the near future. You get so close and then you give up. Also, you crack me up at how well you are able to get the paci into your mouth. You will work and work until you get it. Too cute. Grandma and grandpa came to visit this weekend. Breckie loved his computer. It is a great bribery tool in getting him to poop on the potty and so is playdough. Anyways its been a long week for momma. Hopefully next week will go smoothly. The house is coming along.

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