Tuesday, February 28, 2012

25/26 weeks

I don't know what I've doing but I think I've really messed up this weekly blog. My calendar says 26 weeks I think. Tonight you were really sitting well. You would even start to go to one side and then get your balance and sit back straight again. You're definitely gonna be sitting by yourself very soon. You did good with your shots today. You still have an ear infection so we are on round 2 of antibiotics.....have I ever mentioned how bad you are at taking medicine. You are a very determined little girl and you are very determined not to take your medicine or your bottles for that matter. I have anxiety attacks myself when I have to give you medicine. We took away your bouncer (way too heavy for it) and your play gym (you wouldn't lay under it...you just rolled over and scream get me out of this). You are really liking floor time on these mats that I have laid on the floor. You crack me up the way you will turn in a circle trying to get get your toys. Last night you wouldnt let me rock you. I had to just lay you in your crib. You went right to sleep and slept all night. In a way I love that independence but I was a little upset I didn't get to rock you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

6 whole months

Wow! Time is flying by with this little munchkin. She has been so sick this past week and very fussy. This is not how she usually is. So I can't wait for my baby girl to get back to normal. Now I think its a mix between sickness and teething. The Dr said they were looking pretty full. I take it that means they are getting ready to pop through pretty soon. I sure hope so. These past few days have been exhausting to say the least. Anyways here's her stats at 6 months.

* started wearing 3 diapers
* 6/9 month clothes (we're gonna have to get more sleepers in 9 month...6 month won't even let you stretch out. You are really long)
* was eating about five 5 oz bottles and food in morning and at night, but here lately we haven't done food and you get bottles any time....I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to get dehydrated.
* love to talk to anyone and everyone....especially your little friends at school
* rolling over both ways
* won't sit still long enough to sit
* swims in a circle while on the carpet
* sleeps from about 7...wakes up at maybe 10 ish for a bottle..then sleeps til 430...then a little help with the paci and your usually in your room til 6
Loves to watch breckie do things
* loves books (and eat them)
* loves dada to carry you around and kick the soccer ball
* we love your little chuckle
* loves looking in the mirror
* grabs your toes
* 25 1/4. 75th percentile
*15.0 lbs

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

24 weeks

I can't believe you are almost half a year old in just 2 more days. You have been so sick since Sunday morning at like 3:30am. You have been running a temp up to 101.9 for 4 days. Today was the first day that it had stayed down finally. They said a cold caused double ear infections. I haven't worked in 4 days. Jason took off with you today because I had to go observe at another school. It's been a mess. Now you have a rash all over your body. They want to see you again tomorrow unless you remain fever free. I will probably go ahead and take you because of a low grade fever you still had tonight and the rash which is probably from all thesr fevers. I can't wait til you are your happy self. Last night you cried for about 45 minutes. I don't think I've ever heard you cry for more than 2. To tell you the truth I didn't know what to do. So I brought out the old bouncing method we did nightly with breck..lol ..and what do u know it worked. Put you right to sleep. I needless to say need some sleep. I pretty much have been feeding you ever three hours because you won't drink mote than 3 or 4 ounces if we're lucky. I hate it when my babies are sick. I hope she gets back to normal soon.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

23 weeks

I think I am all messed up on these posts. I think I should be doing 23 weeks. Whatever it is and how ever many weeks you are, you are growing up way too fast. You are so close to rollling over...you hike that leg over and that's as far as you go. You are finally eating and feeling better. I think the acid reflux medicine has been helping. You are liking to eat cereal and a little fruit in the morning and some vegetables in the evening. So far you ate carrots ate ok, hating sweet potatoes, and gobbled up the green beans. It is so funny to watch you eat. I have been saying momma and dada a lot to you lately and you love to hear dada....you start grinning really big when I say it. I love singing to you and reading books. Too bad I can't do it more. I really do hate working when the kids are this young. Even though I was bored and very worn out while staying home with breck for 9 months....I felt like everything went at a slower pace and I could just enjoy being with him...even though most of that was trying to calm him down. Emmy would have been a great baby to stay home with...easy and calm.

She did it....she rolled over. She apparently has been rolling over at daycare for a while though because vickie says she has been rolling over in her crib for a long time. But for the baby book I am writing this week because this is when I witnessed it. She is so funny. She all of a sudden is doing all these things. She pushes up on her front arms and then swims like she is definitely fixing to take off. She swims in circles. Its quite cute I must say. She is a very hyper acting kid. Lover her to death!!!