Friday, February 24, 2012

6 whole months

Wow! Time is flying by with this little munchkin. She has been so sick this past week and very fussy. This is not how she usually is. So I can't wait for my baby girl to get back to normal. Now I think its a mix between sickness and teething. The Dr said they were looking pretty full. I take it that means they are getting ready to pop through pretty soon. I sure hope so. These past few days have been exhausting to say the least. Anyways here's her stats at 6 months.

* started wearing 3 diapers
* 6/9 month clothes (we're gonna have to get more sleepers in 9 month...6 month won't even let you stretch out. You are really long)
* was eating about five 5 oz bottles and food in morning and at night, but here lately we haven't done food and you get bottles any time....I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to get dehydrated.
* love to talk to anyone and everyone....especially your little friends at school
* rolling over both ways
* won't sit still long enough to sit
* swims in a circle while on the carpet
* sleeps from about 7...wakes up at maybe 10 ish for a bottle..then sleeps til 430...then a little help with the paci and your usually in your room til 6
Loves to watch breckie do things
* loves books (and eat them)
* loves dada to carry you around and kick the soccer ball
* we love your little chuckle
* loves looking in the mirror
* grabs your toes
* 25 1/4. 75th percentile
*15.0 lbs

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