In 2 more short months I will be planning your one year birthday. I can't believe how fast you are growing up!!!! You have the cutest personality and are one very determined little girl. Walking is right around the corner. I can't walk away from you for a second because you just want so badly to walk and will let go of whatever you're holding on to just to try to walk. After about 4 controlled steps, you get incredibly wobbly for a couple more steps, then falling flat on your face or into the corner of a table. NOT SAFE!!! Lots of bruising going on here! You are getting so smart and I can tell you are understanding more each day. Here's some things you're doing at 10 months.
* still drinking 4-6 oz. depending on what you feel at that moment
* still fighting me on baby food but is a little better than last month with all the teething going on
* eating bites of just about everything that I am eating (especially likes to eat Nana's Southern cooking every Saturday)
* waves bye bye on demand (says "dye") ....has the cutest wave I have ever is backwards from the Miss America wave
* knows all done (both hands wave)
* starting to understand me when I say milk...she starts whimpering around because she wants it so bad
* loves to do pat-a-cake
* already discussed the walking in the first's getting close
* hates it when we put you in the walker because you want to get down on the floor
* sleeping ...ehhh...decent. You still wake up several times a night. Sometimes it's just for a paci check. Other times it is for a quick snuggle and rock. OR even for a quick bottle. If none of that works, you come to bed with me. BUT YOU SWEAT LIKE CRAZY!!! So then I take you back to your crib.
* Loves to swim. We have been having issues with you getting sick though after we swim so we decided no more for you for a while. But the temperature is very hot and so is the pool water so we tried it again. Maybe it was warmer for you and you won't get a cold.
* Probably 18 pounds
* Wears 12 month clothes
* Size 2 and 3 shoes
* You have decided you don't like daycare or the nursery at cry when I leave you and I hear you screaming at school when I pick you up. They say you don't do it all day. I sure hope not!!!!
You are a spoiled rotten mess and we love you!!!! You make us very happy parents and love watching you grow.
This may be picture overload!!!
Park City Utah
2 years ago