Sunday, June 15, 2014

22 months

Lets just start by saying we have been busy every day this summer.  We have gone to the aquatic center, library, see nana and papa, eat with Gigi, you name it we've probably done it.   Things are not slowing down either.  Swim lessons are coming up for both kids and we are taking a weekend trip to Branson with Sara and Toby and amy and Marty.   Hope my Whiney kids behave that weekend or amy and Marty may change their minds.  Haha.

Emmy is absolutely hating daycare right now.  She is only going two days a week and moved to a new classroom all at once. Needless to say not a good transition.  She better get used to it.  Summer will be gone before you know it.  I think this year is going to be so much better all around.  Momma got a new job in Rogers at the new Darr elementary school.  It and the staff seem great!!!  I can't wait!  Well actually summer can slow down a tad!!

Emmy is so close to being ready to potty train but its pointless until she moves up at the daycare.  They don't start until studio 5.  She is still in 4. Breck takes her potty most of the day at home.  It has worked out pretty well.  Makes my job a lot easier.

When she's not being a whine-bag he is absolutely hilarious.  I can pretty much figure out what she is saying or wanting to say but it may take a few tries.  It was kind of funny the other day as we were leaving the driveway she was pointing to the right and saying hes day. Hub. Didn't have a clue. Finally I said this way and she said yes.  She obviously wanted to go the opposite way that we needed to go.  For some reason I have been having to rock her to sleep again.  When she wants to rock she says knock.  Took me a while to figure that one out too.  She's a mess but a cute mess and really acts older than her age.

We have moved on from the little push car to a tricycle.  Not necessarily moved on because they still ride those also. But breck has gotten really good on his bike with training wheels. So we thought we better go ahead and get Emmy her tricycle.  I didn't realize that she would actually be this good after riding it three times.  Now it really needs to be on an slope for her o actually go by herself really well but she keeps her feet on and pedals for as long as she can.  It's too cute To see them both riding in their helmets.  When she gets stuck she says help in a very Whiney voice.  Kind of annoying!!

Loves playing in the pool at our house and Gigi's but apparently hates everything to do with the water day at school.

We have been sleeping in til at least 730 most mornings.  However don't be fooled.  It's not like we are sleeping all night until then.  Both kids awaken by 2 and are in our bed.  However Emmy then wakes up screaming about shoes or juice or something to that extent for the next hour.  The thing is I think she is asleep. I don't get it. But I can't wait til this phase is over.

Still a pretty picky eater. She has been eating steak and chicken a little easier.  He has learned to use those molars.  Usually she only eats one type of thing off her plate.  Maybe she has a probably mixing things.  Ha. Who knows?

These kids make us tired and stress us out but when I'm away from them I miss them every second.

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