Thursday, November 26, 2015

Breck's Math Award...

I've got one smart boy!!!  He just got the Math award for the 1st 9wks Award Assembly.  This was a surprise to him and he was beaming when he got to go on stage.  He kept asking me if I was proud of cute. 

Couple of school funnies for Breck so far...By the looks of it, I think there will be plenty more.

1.  Said a naughty word when frustrated at a center.  He blamed a friend and his dad.  lol. 
2.  Ms. Kadri was answering a student when they asked if they could do something.  She said no because we have a lot to get done.  Breck pipes up and says, "Yeah because we have to do all this Thanksgiving crap!"  Oh my.  He's gonna embarrass the heck out of me this year.
3.  She makes them visual the story problem.  I guess he gave her a really dirty look and was looking at her like lady..why are you making me do this.  I already know the answer.
4.  He gets a point taken away on dojo every single day between 8 and 8:30 no matter if we discuss not getting one taken away or not.  Apparently he blurts out the answers during Minds on Math.  He just can't keep it in his brain.
5.  I also forgot that he embarrassed me within the first couple of weeks of school.  I should have known this was gonna be a long year with him.  lol.  I had been discussing behavior and how Mrs. Osbourn could be mean if he had to go see her.  Well during that first week of school, she always drops by the classrooms.  He decided to raise his hand and tell her that his mom said she was mean.  Oh boy!  That's not what I meant!!!!

It might be a long year!  Ha!

Razorback Game

Gigi got us some good Razorback Basketball tickets.  This is their first game and they loved it.  I think Breck has gone before but he didn't seem to remember anything about it.  It was so fun to watch how excited they got!!

6 Months

Too cute for words!  People everywhere comment on how beautiful you are. They definitely comment on your eyes. They really stand out!  I ran across a picture of Isabelle one night. I didn't realize how much you both favor each other.
You still say the same words/sounds but do not mean anything yet. Mama, dada, hi, Gigi. You sure do like to hear yourself talk.
You finally rolled over at the beginning of five months. I actually think you were earlier than the other two.  After you roll over you swim, swim, swim!  You want to go so bad. You have started to push yourself up and almost bring a knee up.

Size 3 diapers
7 oz every four hours. So four bottles a day
Foods!  All of them. I feed you a whole supported sitter food at night.
Loves for us to sing to him
Loves the kids. Smiles at them and tries to interact every time he sees them. You can see the love between the kids. This baby definitely put love back into our lives!  We all love him so much.
Sleeps from about 8 to 7 most days. Since you started rolling over I've had to rescue you a couple of times. Now you sleep most of the night on your stomach or side in some crazy position. You are all over that crib. I need to take the wedge out but your allergies are terrible. You are still extremely congested when you wake up.  If I don't wait enough time for it all to drain you will throw half of your bottle up on me! It doesn't make me very happy when I have to change right before leaving for work! 
When we go shopping you don't make a fuss. I guess you love the stroller and just looking around. I drag your little butt everywhere we go. (That'll probably happen all your life being the third child).
I love you so very much!!  You mean so much to me. I don't know that you will ever understand what you have done for my life at just the right time.

5 Months

Still a perfect little boy!  You get so excited when it's time for your bottle. Anytime you get excited you shake (almost like you're having a seizure. The daycare workers said you did it when you were looking at this thing hanging from the ceiling and it was reflecting lights. You loved it!  But they got a little scared when you were doing so much shaking.  Definitely a happy little thing. You smile at anyone that will talk to you. When I lift you up to the sky you squeal and laugh. It's too cute. You also love to ride the airplane on my knees. When I say zoom zoom zoom you laugh!  Some sounds I've heard you say are:  Dada, Mama, uh oh, Hi and  Mimi.

Size 2 or 3 diapers
7 oz of formula every 4 hours.
You will eat a half of a small thing of food. So far you will try anything and everything and like it!  You are such a good little eater.
You finally learned to roll over from your back to your stomach. But nothing else.
When you get in your belly you just swim. I don't think you know what to do after rolling over, but man it's cute watching you roll over!