Thursday, November 26, 2015

5 Months

Still a perfect little boy!  You get so excited when it's time for your bottle. Anytime you get excited you shake (almost like you're having a seizure. The daycare workers said you did it when you were looking at this thing hanging from the ceiling and it was reflecting lights. You loved it!  But they got a little scared when you were doing so much shaking.  Definitely a happy little thing. You smile at anyone that will talk to you. When I lift you up to the sky you squeal and laugh. It's too cute. You also love to ride the airplane on my knees. When I say zoom zoom zoom you laugh!  Some sounds I've heard you say are:  Dada, Mama, uh oh, Hi and  Mimi.

Size 2 or 3 diapers
7 oz of formula every 4 hours.
You will eat a half of a small thing of food. So far you will try anything and everything and like it!  You are such a good little eater.
You finally learned to roll over from your back to your stomach. But nothing else.
When you get in your belly you just swim. I don't think you know what to do after rolling over, but man it's cute watching you roll over! 

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