Monday, June 28, 2010

8 Months

Oh my goodness, 8 months old and you are getting a personality. We are noticing that you may be very strong willed. When you see something you want, there's pretty much no stopping you now. I am not really getting a whole lot done around the house because you are trying new things, but really aren't too sturdy yet. I am so afraid that you are going to hurt yourself. I was on the computer and you were laying on your belly playing with your toys. I seriously turned around for 2 seconds and then looked back to check on you and I couldn't find you. I got up and went around the desk and there you sat. You had pushed yourself off the playmat and into a sitting position. You are trying all kinds of new things these days and pretty soon I don't know how I will be able to keep up with you. Here are some things that are happening with you right now:

  • roughly 20 lbs

  • four 7 oz bottles a day: so 24 - 28 oz of formula

  • breakfast - 2 tbsp oatmeal/2tbsp fruit

  • lunch - stage 2 vegetable

  • snack - you are getting pretty good at grabbing for the yogurt puffs, mum mums and using your sippy cup (you still like to chew and play with that cup as loud as you can)

  • dinner - 2 tbsp vegetable/2 tbsp fruit

  • I am trying to introduce you to some different textures every once in a while and you really aren't having it. I have seen you throw up and gag quite a bit while trying this. I really don't think you're ready but we're still going to try every once in a while. You'll never get good at it if we never try.

  • Still love your walker - man you are fast and have precision stopping skills. It amazes me. You act so much older when you are in that thing. You now try to grab things off the coffee table and shelves. I have a feeling you will be hearing the word no a lot.

  • Finally we have been sleeping from about 8 - 6 with only 1 - 2 wakeups. I think we got your teeth in and your medicine fixed. Finally we can get some sleep!!!! Your momma needs it!!!!

  • Taking about 3 naps a day. I cannot for the life of me get you to sleep longer than an hour at most. So we take 3 naps that are up to an hour each time which is about right. Whatever works!!!

  • Sitting very well - only falls over when pulling to hard on a toy or gets sidetracked

  • Getting onto all fours and taking a few steps only with your arms - sometimes you go backwards

  • Can do a complete circle while on belly - at least were going somewhere on not just laying there. You are realizing that you can move.

  • Can get into a sitting position from crawling and sitting to crawling position

  • still only saying "Hi" - funny story - You are now sitting in the cart big boy style and I had to get something on the bottom shelf at Walmart. All of a sudden I heard, "Hi" and I looked up to find you looking over the cart saying Hi and laughing at me. You thought it was hilarious! - We say momma, dada, Gigi, Nanny, and puppy to you all the time. You just laugh and never try to say them.
  • favorite song this month was BINGO!
Breck, you just keep getting cuter and cuter, and are so smart!!! We love watching you grow!!!!

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