Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day

I am pretty sure Jason enjoyed his first Father's Day with Breck. We decided to go the Ranch all weekend. We just hung out and relaxed for a whole weekend, which was really nice. It was really hot so we were pretty much stuck inside most of the time. Breck doesn't seem to be a very big fan of the heat. I think he took after his wimpy Momma. We did take a few rides on the Ranger. I probably should buy a cheap pool just to leave out there since there really isn't anymore room in the back of the truck when we go out there. I tell you what, I didn't realize there was so much to pack when taking a baby on a trip. WOW!!!! Then on Sunday we went to Nana and Papa's for lunch. It was yummy of course! Here are a few pictures of Grandma and Breck playing in the car. He loved it!!! It was a great Father's Day weekend!!!!

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