Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Emersyn – 6 weeks

I thought having one child to love was great but now I have two and I love every minute of it. You are such a sweet, beautiful little girl. It is a little different this go round considering you were full term and not sick in the beginning. You have been such a good baby. We are actually able to enjoy our evenings and sleep at night even (except when your brother decides to wake up). Yes he still does this!! Here's what you have been up to:

  • Eating 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours. You seem to be getting really antsy after your feeds like you are still hungry. I have a feeling we will be upping your bottles pretty soon. I changed you to Similac Sensitive because you were getting pretty fussy during/after your bottles and starting to spit up a lot more. You seem to be doing better on this formula.
  • Size 1 diapers
  • Smiling at every one that will talk you, especially, Papa, Momma, and Dadda
  • Likes to look at your mobile
  • Rolled over once when I think I propped you on your arms under your play gym and you just rolled right on over
  • Sleeping 5-6 hours in your bassinet in our bedroom

You are doing such a great job and growing up so incredibly fast.

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