Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Emersyn’s Beginning

Man, have we been busy. Bringing home another little one and having a busy 22 month old has definitely made for some interesting days! I wouldn't change it for the world. Emersyn is definitely a blessing. She so far has shown a completely different personality than Breck! She is such a calm relaxed baby! God knew that after having Breck and going through all the things I went through with him, that I needed a good baby! Here's a little update on Miss Emersyn.

I had a completely normal pregnancy with Emmy. I let Dr. Partridge induce me at 39 weeks. After taking Makena and having my weekly shots, I just don't think she would have come on time. I was 60% effaced and 1 1/2 cm for about 3 weeks. So I just wasn't progressing and boy was I ready to get. her. out. of. me!!! I just don't do well with being pregnant. I always seem to hurt the whole pregnancy and then with the weekly shot, I was just ready to not be pregnant. So at my 39th week checkup on Tuesday, she asked when I wanted to be induced. I said, "Thursday." She would have done it but there wasn't an opening so it had to be the next day Wednesday. So needless to say I had to get home and get things in order.

Oh yes, and I didn't mention that we sold our house and just moved into Mike and Debbie's 2 days ago. The house was still not necessarily organized but I was bound and determined to have this kid.

Anyways, here's the scoop on Emmy's birthday!! We got there at 5 a.m. They gave me my epidural around 7:30. I was sick as a dog laying on my back so I had to stay on my side. At one point I asked to turn to the other side. They couldn't get the blankets and things situated so they were rolling me from side to side, (causing me to throw up!!!) but also making labor progress. Then they checked me around 11:40 and I was ready. I pushed 3 times with the nurse. They really didn't think the doctor was going to make it. She was coming very fast! But she did make it just in time to deliver Miss Emersyn at 12:06 p.m.

That's the birth in a nutshell.

Now here's what she's up to at 1 month:

* So far has been a really good baby.

* Eats 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours, bottle fed

* 8.5 lbs, 21 inches

* Trying a new bottle to see if we can eliminate some of the burpage(not a word I'm sure).

* bottle at 9:30, then bed, then wakes around 2:00 a.m. bottle, then bed til around 5. I then put your binky in and in bed with me. Then you will sleep until your cranky brother starts crying and wakes us up at 6:30 or 7:00

* pretty congested at night but nothing like Breck was. It doesn't seem to bother you at this point

* We think your smiling at us. We have seen you do it several times when we are talking to you.

* umbilical cord still has not fallen off. I took you back to the doctor twice this week to put some more medicine on there so it will dry up. I want to give you a real bath so bad I can't stand it.

You are too sweet and we can't stop holding you! You are a daddy's girl already. He puts you on his chest and you fall fast asleep. Sometimes I have to wake him up at your 2:00 feeding just so he can put you back to sleep. We love you baby girl!

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