* breastfed (wow, did he put on the pounds...so incredibly cute and chubby)
* eats every 2-3 hours (however, it hurts like h*** to feed him so this will not last long at all
* 9 lbs 13 oz at 1 month check up, 20 3/4 in length I believe
* 10 lbs 8 oz like 1 week later at a lactation specialist appt (really packing on the pounds)
* extremely gassy!!!!
* sleeps a lot (about 3 to 3 1/2 stretches at night...not too bad in my opinion)
* very big blue eyes (I would love for them to stay the same color. If so, I would have green, blue, and brown eyed children. That's kind of odd in my opinion.
* every one that sees him notices his eyes and his tan. lol...definitely got his daddy's skin color
* the other kids adore you. They love to play patty cake with his feet and they love to hold him
* I love the way he will just stare at me and look into my eyes
* Gigi watched you so I could go eat for Sara's birthday dinner (maybe about 2 weeks old for a couple of hours)
Emmy says some funny things....
One time she was talking to him and she looked at me and said in a very prissy voice..."Oh my goodness I just called him Garrison."
I asked her to get me a diaper and she goes, "Of course I will get you a diaper."
First Dr Appointment at 2 weeks
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