Saturday, June 6, 2015

Garris's birthday!!


Well baby Garris Andrew Walter McFadden came into the world on April 25, 2015. He was 7 lbs 4 oz. He was 20 1/4 inches long and born at 7:10 pm. He was definitely not brought into the world the way I would have liked it but he is safe and healthy. The day of his birth went like this...

I loaded the kids up for Breck's pictures and his first baseball game. I sure didn't want to miss this. The whole time I was having contractions. Nothing major but for a couple of days I had been timing them because they were definitely getting more regular and closer together. After the game, mom and I had decided there were a few things that I needed to pick up before Garris actually came. We went to eat at Logan's. I kept telling her I think I should go ahead and go in. Not too sure she believed me but they had been 2-5 minutes apart for a while now and getting stronger but still not too uncomfortable.  So we continued on to get the co sleeper I was set on getting from Toys R Us. After that we decided we better just go straight home. We did stop and get gas and maybe some coke slushies.  The kids needed a treat. I hadn't been the nicest momma the past few days with all the contractions. When we got home I decided to call Willow Creek. They said to go ahead and come in to get checked. So I did around 2:00. They hooked me up and checked me. I was still about the same as my last Dr appt. (she was going to induce on Tuesday anyways). Here it is Saturday and I'm in labor. Each contraction his heartbeat would go down a little. They finally got Dr. Hinton in there to check. She said I was around a 4.5 but something was weird about the exam. She kept feeling what she thought was the cord presenting itself first which would cut off his air supply. She said she wasn't positive and let me labor some more. She did admit me. Mom showed up around the time I got the room. Then Dr. Hinton checked again. I was at a 5 and contractions were pretty hard. I was ordered and epidural. It took 45 minutes and a million pokes to get it in. I was so mad at that man!!!!  Then she decided to check me a different way and discovered it definitely was the cord so here we go with an emergency c section. Gigi geared up and off we went.  Garris was born at 7:10 pm. C section wasn't terrible.  But I felt weird, dizzy, and cotton mouth. I couldn't hold him like I wanted to skin to skin at that point. So they brought him in during recovery. I still wasn't up to par but I do remember holding him. I think we tried breast feeding in there and he did great. Then off to the nursery he went. You had a crew out there waiting for you.

After recovery I got to hold you skin to skin for a long time. You were so sweet. The next day was terrible for me though. After they took out the catheter something was hurting terribly!!  I mean I was screaming and crying and I felt like no one was listening. There was a terrible pain and Percocet and hydrocodine wasn't helping. I was loopy as all get out and couldn't stay awake with my company. Sorry people.  Another nurse came in to try to help me go to bathroom.  It helped a little but still terribly painful. This went on for 24 flippin hours.  Finally Dr. Hinton came one morning and took a urinalysis which I guess was fine because I never received a phone call and gave me some bladder spasm medicine. I think that finally helped the most. At least I went home with relief pills. It was a terrible experience. But I got the sweetest bundle of joy out of this.

Jason took us home and we settled in before Breck and Emmy came home from Uncle Dustin's and Aunt Kaylee's. They had a blast but boy they were tired when they came home.

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