Sunday, December 20, 2009

6 weeks...

Here you are at 6 weeks. You are growing so fast!!! I can't believe you are already 6 weeks old. You have been giving momma a little trouble. It may be completely normal but not for a first time mother. I am a nervous wreck with all the projectile vomiting, not sleeping well at night (all your dinosaur noises make us think you are choking or can't breath), and the occasional irritability. You pretty much still sleep all day long and all night for that matter and wake up for your feedings every 3 hours on the dot most of the time. I love when we wake up in the morning and you are bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to eat. This is your happiest time and I can lay you in your playyard bassinet and you will just lay there for about 30 minutes looking at all your toys. You are starting to smile a little more. We are amazed at how strong you are. You have been lifting your head and turning it from side to side for quite some time now. You did roll from your stomach to your back (you don't like tummy time too much) while laying on the bed the other day but I give a little credit to the bed being so jiggly. You haven't rolled over on the floor yet. That will be the day I say you have rolled over. We are so happy to have you here!!!!

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