Sunday, December 27, 2009

7 weeks...

Our Christmas Present!!!

Santa must have come!!

Too Cute!!

Wow! Seven weeks was a busy week. Breck has been staying awake a lot more (that is fighting sleep!). He will get so sleepy and almost be fast asleep, when all of a sudden, his eyes pop wide open! Nanny says, "He is definitely his father's child!" This week was Christmas!!! We had lots of fun with Breck being here for his first Christmas! We went to Nana's on Christmas Eve and Aunt Tina and Uncle Wes's for Christmas morning and then Aunt MiMi and Uncle Michael's for dinner. It sure was a busy 2 days. This week I really think I got my first smile! As I went up to talk to him, he gave me a grin from ear to ear! It was the biggest smile I have ever seen. He also has been doing some squealing which is absolutely adorable. His first squeal was at the fan....I don't know what is so exciting about a fan??? Oh yeah, how could I forget, the dr. diagnosed him with acid reflux. So now he is on a medication that hopefully will work!!!!

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