Saturday, December 19, 2009


The craziness begins. Having a child in the NICU for any length of time is extremely exhausting, but something inside you pushes you to keep going. Jason and I visited the NICU every morning and night and sometimes in between for the two whole weeks that Breck was in there. Each time was a new experience, because each time we went there was a new nurse. Most of which I felt comfortable leaving my child with and some I didn't. Every time we went to see him, we had to scrub our hands and arms for 3 minutes and put on this awful was awful having to do this each time we wanted to see him. Only grandparents and parents were allowed to vist and only 2 at a time. Finally we got a semi private room and a few others got to be put on the list. Each time I got to see him was my favorite time, but my ultimate favorite time was when I got to kangaroo with my baby. It felt good getting to hold him skin to skin. He was so precious. We knew it was close to coming home when we got our own private room. Then I will never forget the phone call asking me to bring the carseat....I knew it was really close then. The last night, Jason and I had to stay in the hospital with him. Trust me we didn't sleep well at all. Finally, the day we had been waiting for....we got to go home on November 19th.

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